DAT / OAT Organic Chemistry Quizzes
Not available for individual purchase. Included in the DAT Practice Pack or OAT Practice Pack.
Molecular Structure and Bonding (14 Questions)
Resonance (10 Questions)
Conformations of Alkanes (12 Questions)
Acids and Bases (17 Questions)
Nomenclature of Alkanes and Alkyl Halides (12 Questions)
Nomenclature of Bicyclic Compounds (5 Questions)
Identifying Functional Groups (10 Questions)
Nomenclature of Various Functional Groups (27 Questions)
Stereochemistry (22 Questions)
Intermolecular Forces (13 Questions)
Laboratory Techniques & Separations (15 Questions)
IR Spectroscopy (15 Questions)
NMR Spectroscopy (25 Questions)